Life is an Open Secret

What People Are Saying About
"Very 'edutaining'! The way Sis Zabrina reaches out to your mind, heart and soul really captivates me. In this world of complexities, Sis Zabrina has managed to
do one thing - SIMPLIFY and EDUCATE in an ENTERTAINING WAY! Not
many people are able to do this - to tap into one's mind to set them thinking,
accepting the thoughts shared, and educate us in unlimited ways - without
thinking of the differences of faith one has! And all this is done in an entertaining
way! Wonderful, Sis Zabrina…Life is an Open Secret is just edutaining!"
Mike Handcock, NEW ZEALAND
Author, Bestseller, Can You Teach a Goat to Dance?
Inspirational Speaker of the Year, 2006
"Life is an Open Secret is a very sweet and beautiful way of presenting Islamic
etiquette to Muslims. I feel it's really, very effective."
Senior Software Engineer
ESRI Global, Inc.
"Just like 'The Little Prince,' Life is an Open Secret manages to touch the child
in us, yet make us reflect, as adults, about life's happenings. The simplicity of the
language is easy enough that a child can understand the story, but the impact of
the story hits the adult in us. Good job, Sis Zabrina!"
Dato' Dr Wan Halim Othman, MALAYSIA
Clinical Sociologist
“Being of Greek Orthodox faith, many may believe their own faith holds the truth
to the world. However, the glorious truth to mankind is not separated by religion,
but by the way we perceive the world that surrounds us. Right from her opening
lines within her introduction, I knew Zabrina must have penned a truly
inspirationalanthology, for her generalization of a saying used by many is also
one I’ve repeated many times in my life:
Years ago, I heard a line that says Life is full of lots of ups and downs.
At the time, I was not at the right age to fully comprehend what it meant.
Years later, I still don't think I know what its full meaning is, but, through
my own personal experiences and observation of happenings around me,
I believe that I have got a rough idea of what the ups and downs in life
'Although the stories are based on Zabrina's own Muslim faith and contain
passages from the teachings [of Islam], her stories reach far beyond the borders
of division between one religion and another. Life is an Open Secret captures
human instances of life we all share at one time or another. We learn from these
'ups and downs' and how our own faith, and, in this anthology, the Muslim faith,
helps sustain a person through the 'downs,' to give one e courage to seek
guidance, peace, and understanding. The author's very keen sense of
placing just the right passage from the Qur'an within each story brings these
tidbits of life's meanings closer to the heart. Reading the stories and the excerpts
made me remember something my father once said to me:
'For some, it's God, or Buddha, or Allah…many agree to disagree, Lea,
but remember one thing -- it is how you choose to live your life that
counts the most.'
And this inspirational quote from Dad is exactly the same sentiment I felt while
reading Zabrina's motivational anthology: learn from others' stories, and guide
your life down the right path. I highly recommend Life is an Open Secret if you
are searching for inspiration."
Lea Schizas, CANADA
Editor and Founder, Muse Writers Conference
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